Answer to: how to become reach
how to become reachable, 344
opt-in, 344
opt-out, 344
segmenting your list, 345
striking a balance, 345
tracking your email campaigns, 345
when to use, 344
what to include, 345
when to send, 344
email signature, 346
email subject line, 346–47
emotional connection, 77–78
emotional decision making, 32, 44–45
emotional triggers, 44
optimism, 78
optimistic bias, 77–78
empathy, 90, 91, 92
camaraderie, 295
communicating with, 295–96
communicating well with, 296
motivating, 296
training, 296
employment ads, 441–42
energy, 27
engagement, 208–9
creating content for, 209
discovering your engagement profile, 209
engagement metrics, 209
engagement statement, 210
engagement tool, 210
engagement toolkit, 210
engagement toolkit metrics, 211
engagement toolkit profile, 210
engagement toolkit statements, 210
engagement toolkit tactics, 211
engagement toolkit, 209–11
equity, 145
event planning, 360
attending, 115
business, 110
creating, 110
local, 110
online, 110
planning, 110–11
photos from, 115
personal, 110
planning, 109–10
hosting, 109
exercise, 18–19
experience economy, 130
creating, 15
customer, 14
delivering, 14
measuring, 14
prioritizing, 326
protecting, 14
value of, 15
experiential currency, 16
experiential marketing, 15
expertise, 106
emotions, 43
feelings, 43
extroverts, 91, 92
eye contact, 47
Facebook, 73, 130, 224, 353
pages, 353
timeline, 353
fan base, 353
customizing, 354
cost of, 354
identifying, 354
location of, 354
marketing to, 354
number of, 353
targeting, 354
fans, 353
contacting, 354
naming, 354
Facebook ads, 353
group, 353
headline, 354
image, 354
landing page, 354
link, 354
promoting, 354
Facebook Insights, 354
engaging, 354
getting more, 354
listening to, 354
fans, 353
customizing your page, 354
marketing to, 354
number of, 353
targeting, 354
fantasies, 30
fast-food chain, 57
fast food, 50
fast thinking, 42
favorites, 150
blaming, 36
capitalizing on, 35
facing, 36
fear of missing out (FOMO), 35
feedback, 113
feelings, 43
feel-good currency, 16
Ferrari, 187
field marketing, 217
figuring out, 107
financial services, 209
Five-Step Social Media Engagement Plan, 213–15
tweets, 213–14
followers, 353
following, 128, 129
benefits of, 129
following back, 129
focusing, 48
food at work, 53
food industry, 55
food service, 50
food trucks, 55
Forrester Research, Inc., 123
4 Cs (customer)
awareness, 120
character, 120
commitment, 120
confidence, 120
foursquare, 128
framing, 37
Frankenstein, 171
frequency, 229
friends, 192
friends-and-family round, 137
friends-and-family round, 137
frequency, 229
Frito-Lay, 57
frontline employees, 295
frontline staff, 296
front-of-house employees, 296
Fukushima, Japan, 49
full-service restaurants, 50
Gandhi, Mahatma, 45
Gap, 56
Gartner, Inc., 123
Gartner Hype Cycle, 123
Gates, Bill, 173
genius hour, 75
genius hour, 75
George, Bill, 167
George, Brian, 74
getting unstuck, 107
Gifts for Friends, 158
giveaways, 148
glue, 198
glue principle, 197–98
goals, 106
beyond money, 166
dreams vs., 165–66
establishing, 165
long-term, 166
relevant, 166
short-term, 166
SMART, 165–66
Google, 130, 224
Hangouts, 224
Hangouts On Air, 224
posts, 224
plus ones, 224
Google AdWords, 353
Google Analytics, 354
Google Hangouts, 224
Google Maps, 329
Google+, 223–24
Google Places, 329
Google Plus Local, 330
Google search, 329
Google+ Hangouts, 224
Google+ Hangouts On Air, 224
goofball, 191
goofball currencies, 191
goofball goals, 191
goofball pictures, 191
goofball videos, 191
goofballs, 191
gourmet pizza, 53
Gourmet Living, 51
government, 347
grandparents, 191
grandparents, 191
gravy, 51
Great Depression, 49
greatness, 58
Green Dime, 159
green-eyeshade thinking, 43
green tea, 59
Greene, Robert, 217
group activities, 225
group conversations, 225
group conversations, 225
group conversations, 225
group members, 225
groups, 225
group-think, 73
growth, 144
guest speakers, 115
guilty pleasures, 16
happiness, 78
happiness currency, 16
happiness index, 78
Happiness Principle, The (Amen), 78
Harley-Davidson, 56, 187
harnessing, 24
Harrah’s, 56
Harvard Business Review, 123, 130, 221
Harvard Medical School, 78
hats, 56
Hawthorne effect, 75
haystack, 142
HDTV, 154
health care, 209
health industry, 209
health insurance, 210
health-care industry, 209
health-care providers, 210
Heath, Chip, 39
Heath, Dan, 225
Heath, Tory, 225
Heath brothers, 39
hedonic treadmill, 78
hedonistic currency, 16
hero/heroine, 162
hero/heroine, 162
high-end products, 263
highlight, 38
Hilton, 56
home, 58
home-and-family round, 137
HootSuite, 125
hotel industry, 54
hotel services, 54
hotels, 53
hotness currency, 16
how, 24
how-to content, 325
how-to videos, 325
how-to videos, 325
human resources, 209
human-centered design, 94–95
human-resources industry, 209
humor, 41
humor currency, 16
humorous content, 41
humorous stories, 41
humorous videos, 41
humor, 41
humor, 41
humorous content, 41
humorous stories, 41
humorous videos, 41
humor, 41
humorous content, 41
humorous stories, 41
humorous videos, 41
humor, 41
humor currency, 16
humor, 41
humorous content, 41
humorous stories, 41
humorous videos, 41
humor, 41
humorous content, 41
humorous stories, 41
humorous videos, 41
humor, 41
humorous content, 41
humorous stories, 41
humorous videos, 41
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